15 Unproblematic Natural Remedies To Cure Dengue Fever Fast

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Dengue fever also known every bit cracking fever is caused because of the seize amongst teeth of pocket-size mosquitoes. Considering the reports of the World Health Organization, dengue has been termed every bit the most unsafe virus that needs to live on checked yesteryear a physician immediately. The musquito responsible for this is a woman somebody musquito Aedes. If the illness is non checked instantly in addition to is given a regular influenza treatment, it tin terminate examine to live on fatal. Apart from diverse scientific remedies, at that spot are or so abode remedies for dengue in addition to diet tips that receive got been used since the Ancient era in addition to are quite beneficial inward the cure of dengue fever.

Dengue fever also known every bit cracking fever is caused because of the seize amongst teeth of pocket-size mosquitoes xv Simple Natural Remedies to Cure Dengue Fever Fast

Table Of Content:

  1. How to Cure Dengue Fever Naturally inward 3-7 Days?

  2. What Causes Dengue Fever?

  3. What are the Symptoms of Dengue?

  4. Dengue Fever Prevention Method

  5. Home Remedies for Dengue Fever

How to Cure Dengue Fever Naturally in  3 – seven Days?

A lot of abode remedies receive got been used yesteryear people since the early on ages for the cure of dengue. Here, few revisited the grand-mom recipes from kitchen ingredients giving you lot answers on how to process dengue fever at home.


What Causes Dengue Fever?

There are diverse causes of dengue virus. It affects human beings because of a musquito bite. The growth of the musquito is caused due to several reasons that give ascent to Dengue fever causes.

  • Near Lodgings in addition to Potholes: The collection of H2O close your identify gives ascent to the nativity of mosquitoes resulting inward dengue virus. The musquito in addition to so bites a human beingness in addition to infects the human amongst the virus that flows into their bloodstream in addition to therefore answers the enquiry of what causes dengue.

  • Tropical in addition to Sub-Tropical Areas: If you lot are someone who lives close the tropical areas, in addition to so you lot are probable to larn affected amongst dengue virus in addition to are 1 of the major dengue crusade in addition to symptoms.

  • Prior Infection: If you lot receive got suffered from dengue virus inward the terminal few months, at that spot is a adventure of you lot getting infected amongst dengue in 1 lawsuit again of a unlike sort which is referred amongst a unlike name. Physicians tin terminate permit you lot know regarding Dengue is caused yesteryear which virus.


What are the Symptoms of Dengue?

You must live on wondering how you lot tin terminate differentiate betwixt the regular influenza in addition to dengue. Mostly, at that spot are no dengue symptoms inward a child. However, you lot mightiness run across or so dengue fever symptoms afterward four days, when the musquito has already bitten you. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 major symptom is a high fever that starts from 104 °F. Listed below are or so of the signs in addition to symptoms of dengue in addition to are early on symptoms of dengue.

  • A headache in addition to Nausea

  • Muscle Pain

  • Pain behind the eyes.

  • Swelling inward the glands

  • Rashes

Sometimes, dengue symptoms inward adults tin terminate piece of job worse in addition to tin terminate live on fatal. In such cases, the blood vessels swell upwardly in addition to piece of job leaky. Other symptoms relevant hither mightiness live on blood inward urine in addition to consistent vomiting. This gives ascent to Dengue hemorrhagic fever in addition to is signs in addition to symptoms of dengue fever.


Read More: Precautions And Symptoms Of Dengue Fever

Dengue Fever Prevention Methods:

Dengue fever is caused yesteryear Aedes mosquito. In guild to refrain from such conditions, you lot tin terminate ever receive got upwardly or so prevention of dengue. Given below are or so of the dengue prevention tips.

  • Doctors receive got produced a dengue vaccine known every bit Dengavaxia which is known for the effective prevention of dengue virus. It is to live on administered to people ranging betwixt the historic flow grouping of 10-45 years. It is given 3 times over a flow of 12 months.

  • Take a expect at the H2O sewers in addition to other areas, so that you lot tin terminate forbid H2O clogging, giving ascent to Dengue causing mosquitoes.

  • Always exercise musquito repellant spell going out inward the dark.

  • Whenever you lot are stepping out inward the areas that breed mosquitoes, piece of job far a indicate to wearable total clothes, so that the mosquitoes cannot seize amongst teeth you. The individuals should receive got known nigh the dengue prevention nutrient every bit well.


Home Remedies for Dengue Fever:

1. Juice Of Papaya Leaf For Dengue

2. Goat Milk For Dengue

3. Extract Of Giloy Plant For Dengue

4. Juice Of Guava For Dengue

5. Onions And Jaggery For Dengue

6. Juice Of Apple For Dengue

7. Leaves Of Neem Plant For Dengue

8. Goldenseal Dengue Fever Remedy

9. Treat Dengue Using Kiwi Juice

10. Spinach Juice For Dengue Fever

11. Fenugreek And Honey For Dengue

12. Cure Dengue By Drinking Turmeric Milk

13. Black Pepper And Tulsi Tea For Fever

14. Powder Of Barley Grass

15. Crab Soup For Dengue Fever


Natural Remedies Against Dengue Fever:

Dengue fever also known every bit cracking fever is caused because of the seize amongst teeth of pocket-size mosquitoes xv Simple Natural Remedies to Cure Dengue Fever Fast

Talk nigh introducing or so of the traditional techniques nigh in addition to inclination of people towards them, dengue cure at abode proves to live on actually effective. Just uncomplicated kitchen ingredients tin terminate cure the ailment in addition to brand the somebody walk on his feet inside a week.

1. Juice of Papaya Leaf for Dengue:

Dengue fever also known every bit cracking fever is caused because of the seize amongst teeth of pocket-size mosquitoes xv Simple Natural Remedies to Cure Dengue Fever Fast

When you lot are suffering from dengue fever, the platelet count of the torso lowers down. Papaya leaves incorporate Vitamin C that helps inward boosting the immunity in addition to hiking upwardly the platelet count. Dengue fever handling papaya leaves are the best abode remedy.

What arrive at You Need:

  • A pestle in addition to mortar

  • A handful of papaya leaves for dengue treatment.

How to arrive at Process:

  • All you lot demand to arrive at is shell the leaves inward a pestle in addition to mortar in addition to and so mash them to extract the juice from the leaves.

  • In guild to ease out the gustatory modality of the juice, add together inward or so honey.

How Often arrive at You arrive at This: You receive got to drinkable this papaya leafage juice for dengue thrice daily basis


2. Goat Milk for Dengue:

Dengue fever also known every bit cracking fever is caused because of the seize amongst teeth of pocket-size mosquitoes xv Simple Natural Remedies to Cure Dengue Fever Fast

Goat milk is rich inward selenium that goes downward spell you lot are suffering from dengue fever. This gives ascent to a depression platelet count. Drinking a loving cup of caprine animal milk tin terminate embrace upwardly the deficiency of selenium inward the torso in addition to tin terminate tweak upwardly the platelets. It is a natural remedy for dengue.

What arrive at You Need

  • One drinking glass of caprine animal milk.

How to arrive at Process:

  • Just boil the caprine animal milk in addition to permit it cool downward a piffling bit.

  • Gulp downward a drinking glass of caprine animal milk.

How Often arrive at You arrive at This: Gulp downward ii spectacles of caprine animal milk forenoon in addition to even daily.


3. Extract of Giloy Plant for Dengue:

Dengue fever also known every bit cracking fever is caused because of the seize amongst teeth of pocket-size mosquitoes xv Simple Natural Remedies to Cure Dengue Fever Fast

Giloy flora leaves piece of job out out an extract that helps inward reducing chronic fever. It helps inward increasing the platelet count every bit well. Further, it is a natural immunity booster in addition to is grown inward the tropical regions of India. It is an Ayurvedic handling for dengue

What arrive at You Need:

  • All you lot demand is Giloy flora extract or the leaves of Giloy plant

  • A drinking glass of water.

How to arrive at Process:

  • Boil a drinking glass of H2O in addition to mix inward the extract of Giloy flora leaves.

  • Then cool it downward for some-time in addition to drinkable it up.

How Often arrive at You arrive at This: The Concoction needs to live on consumed twice daily.


4. Juice of Guava for Dengue:

Dengue fever also known every bit cracking fever is caused because of the seize amongst teeth of pocket-size mosquitoes xv Simple Natural Remedies to Cure Dengue Fever Fast

Guava every bit a fruit is a storehouse of a lot of minerals, vitamins, in addition to tannins. The vitamin C content constitute inward guava helps inward boosting the immunity, fighting the fever effectively.

What arrive at You Need:

  • All you lot demand is fresh guava.

How to arrive at Process:

  • It is skilful to exercise fresh guava juice. Cut guava in addition to extract the juice from it using a juicer.

  • If this cannot live on done, merely launder the guava amongst lukewarm H2O in addition to eat it every bit a fruit.

How Often arrive at You arrive at This: This entire procedure needs to live on done once, every day.


5. Onions in addition to Jaggery for Dengue:

Dengue fever also known every bit cracking fever is caused because of the seize amongst teeth of pocket-size mosquitoes xv Simple Natural Remedies to Cure Dengue Fever Fast

The mixture of onion in addition to jaggery is best used to cure dengue fever. Onion is useful inward reducing the fever, whereas the properties of jaggery are essential inward increasing the platelet count inward the body.

What arrive at You Need:

  • 2-3 small, cherry-red onions

  • A slice of jaggery.

How to arrive at Process:

  • Take or so onions in addition to cutting them inward half. Then receive got a slice of Jaggery in addition to shell both the ingredients, using a pestle in addition to mortar.

  • Now, piece of job on on licking this mixture.

How Often arrive at You arrive at This: This handling tin terminate live on done twice a day.


6. Juice of Apple for Dengue:

Dengue fever also known every bit cracking fever is caused because of the seize amongst teeth of pocket-size mosquitoes xv Simple Natural Remedies to Cure Dengue Fever Fast

Apples are known for their antioxidants in addition to are helpful inward protecting the blood cells from the harm due to the dengue fever. They assist inward the production of blood cells, therefore increasing the count of platelets.

What arrive at You Need:

  • Apple juice

  • A teaspoon of lemon juice.

How to arrive at Process:

  • Take or so fresh apple tree juice in addition to mash a teaspoon of lemon juice inward it.

  • Gulp it downward then. It is ever skilful to exercise fresh juice every bit compared to the packaged ones.

How Often arrive at You arrive at This: Perform this procedure twice daily, that is even in addition to morning.


7. Leaves of Neem Plant for Dengue:

Dengue fever also known every bit cracking fever is caused because of the seize amongst teeth of pocket-size mosquitoes xv Simple Natural Remedies to Cure Dengue Fever Fast

Neem plants are known for their antiseptic properties. They are widely known for their healing properties. In the example of dengue fever, the white blood cells count in addition to the platelet count goes down. Neem leaves growth the count of platelets in addition to white blood cells.

What arrive at You Need:

  • Some neem leaves

  • A loving cup of boiling water

  • A teaspoon of honey.

How to arrive at Process:

  • Boil the H2O yesteryear putting neem leaves inward it.

  • Then permit the mixture simmer downward for a while.

  • Strain the mixture in addition to drinkable it, when it is inward the drinkable condition.

  • You tin terminate add together inward in addition to a teaspoon of honey, to ease the taste.

How Often arrive at You arrive at This: You demand to drinkable this blend twice every day.


8. Goldenseal Dengue Fever Remedy:

Dengue fever also known every bit cracking fever is caused because of the seize amongst teeth of pocket-size mosquitoes xv Simple Natural Remedies to Cure Dengue Fever Fast

Goldenseal origin extract is known for its antiviral nature. In the ancient era, it was used to cure diverse viral. The dengue fever tin terminate live on cured using the extract of goldenseal origin every bit it hikes upwardly the platelet count inward the body.

What arrive at You Need:

  • You demand goldenseal origin extract.

  • A loving cup of water

  • A tablespoon of honey.

How to arrive at Process:

  • Just receive got the goldenseal origin extract in addition to boil it inward the water.

  • Let it piece of job lukewarm in addition to and so add together inward the honey.

  • Drink it upwardly then.

How Often arrive at You arrive at This: You tin terminate arrive at this procedure twice, every-day.


9. Treat Dengue Using Kiwi Juice:

Dengue fever also known every bit cracking fever is caused because of the seize amongst teeth of pocket-size mosquitoes xv Simple Natural Remedies to Cure Dengue Fever Fast

Kiwi juice is known for a lot of vitamin in addition to minerals that it stores. The nutrients assist inward reducing fatigue in addition to weakness that is caused because of dengue fever. In add-on to this, the presence of vitamin c helps inward up-scaling the immunity marking inward the body. This is the best abode remedies for dengue fever.

What You Need:

  • Fresh kiwi juice

How to arrive at Process:

  • Drink or so kiwi juice that is fresh in addition to is non packaged.

  • You tin terminate purchase or so kiwis, pare them in addition to grind them inward the juicer.

How Often arrive at You arrive at This: You tin terminate eat fresh kiwi juice twice a day.


10. Spinach Juice for Dengue Fever:

Dengue fever also known every bit cracking fever is caused because of the seize amongst teeth of pocket-size mosquitoes xv Simple Natural Remedies to Cure Dengue Fever Fast

Spinach is rich inward vitamin K in addition to Fe that is helpful inward keeping upwardly amongst the hemorrhagic dengue fever. The argue behind this is that at that spot is a lot of blood loss because of vomiting in addition to blood inward urine in addition to vitamin K helps inward balancing the platelet count in addition to blood level.

What arrive at You Need:

  • Bunch of fresh spinach.

How to arrive at Process:

  • All you lot demand to arrive at is to receive got upwardly or so fresh spinach in addition to grind it inward the mixture.

  • Strain the spinach juice in addition to mash out the leftover juice from the spinach pulp.

How Often arrive at You arrive at This: Consume spinach juice every day, inward the forenoon once.


11. Fenugreek in addition to Honey for Dengue:

Dengue fever also known every bit cracking fever is caused because of the seize amongst teeth of pocket-size mosquitoes xv Simple Natural Remedies to Cure Dengue Fever Fast

The Concoction of fenugreek I in addition to dearest helps inward lowering downward the fever marking because of the antipyretic property. It is rich inward vitamin C in addition to K every bit well, that is helpful inward increasing immunity.

What arrive at You Need:

  • A handful of fenugreek seeds

  • A loving cup of water

  • A tablespoon of honey.

How to arrive at Process:

  • Boil a loving cup of H2O in addition to add together inward a handful of fenugreek seeds.

  • Then allow it also steep for or so fourth dimension in addition to and so strain it.

  • Inject inward a tablespoon of dearest in addition to drinkable it spell it is lukewarm.

How Often arrive at You arrive at This: Consume the mixture 2-3 times every day.


12. Cure Dengue By Drinking Turmeric Milk:

Dengue fever also known every bit cracking fever is caused because of the seize amongst teeth of pocket-size mosquitoes xv Simple Natural Remedies to Cure Dengue Fever Fast

Turmeric is known for the benefits of curing ailments over-ages. The presence of curcumin inward turmeric helps inward fighting off the influenza yesteryear increasing the immunity of the body. It helps inward eliminating the viral from the root.

What arrive at You Need:

  • All you lot demand is a tablespoon of turmeric

  • A loving cup of milk.

How to arrive at Process:

  • Boil a loving cup of milk in addition to and so add together inward turmeric inward it. Drink the drinking glass of dearest milk.

  • You tin terminate also add together or so dearest to the concoction.

How Often arrive at You arrive at This: You tin terminate eat this dearest milk every 24-hour interval earlier going to bed.


13. Black pepper in addition to Tulsi Tea for Fever:

Dengue fever also known every bit cracking fever is caused because of the seize amongst teeth of pocket-size mosquitoes xv Simple Natural Remedies to Cure Dengue Fever Fast

Tulsi leaves are known for their medicinal benefits from the ages of Vedas. The leaves are also called the basil leaves in addition to protect the cells from getting damaged because of the dengue virus. It also helps inward the immunity boost.

What You Need:

  • A handful of tulsi leaves

  • A pinch of dark pepper

  • 2 cups of water.

How to arrive at Process:

  • In the boiling H2O add together or so tulsi leaves.

  • Then add together a pinch of dark pepper in addition to simmer it down.

  • Strain the entire mixture in addition to gulp it down, in 1 lawsuit it has cooled downward a bit.

  • You tin terminate add together dearest for increasing the gustatory modality of the mixture.

How Often arrive at You arrive at This: Repeat this procedure in 1 lawsuit every day.


14. Powder of Barley Grass:

Dengue fever also known every bit cracking fever is caused because of the seize amongst teeth of pocket-size mosquitoes xv Simple Natural Remedies to Cure Dengue Fever Fast

The pulverisation of barley grass is helpful inward easing downward the microbes inward the torso in addition to increasing the immunity of the body. The pulverisation is skilful at hiking upwardly the platelet count of the body. This is 1 of the skilful abode remedies for dengue fever.

What You Need:

  • A tablespoon of barley grass powder

  • A teaspoon of honey.

How to arrive at This Process:

  • Just boil or so H2O in addition to mix inward barley grass powder. Strain it in addition to add together or so dearest inward it. Consume it spell it’s a fleck warm.

How Often arrive at You arrive at This: This procedure is to live on done twice a day.


15. Crab Soup for Dengue Fever:

Dengue fever also known every bit cracking fever is caused because of the seize amongst teeth of pocket-size mosquitoes xv Simple Natural Remedies to Cure Dengue Fever Fast

Crab soup is beneficial inward increasing the blood platelet counts every bit it is a powerhouse of diverse vitamins in addition to minerals. If this is consumed daily in addition to religiously spell suffering from dengue fever, it volition live on actually beneficial.

What You Need:

  • A bowl of crab soup

How to arrive at This Process:

  • It is non slow to gear upwardly crab soup at abode at is a troublesome task.

  • For this purpose, the best catch would live on to guild or so crab soup from the restaurant.

How Often arrive at You arrive at This: Drink a bowl of crab soup daily, generally inward the even time.

The abode remedies are a great agency to cure dengue fever at abode in addition to that amongst a lot of ease. The patients receive got to live on administered the dosage regularly.


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